Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Ribbon Color For Throat Cancer

Without dust crystal and sawn face # 2: Sugartown

early on Thursday, meeting with the film "Sugartown: The Bridegrooms"!

Beloved! Welcome to another evening of movies from the archives of "Eyes and lenses." This time we look:

SUGARTOWN: The Bridegrooms
dir. Kimon Tsakiris, Greece / Germany 2006, duration: 72 '

majority of the population of a small Greek village are men - bachelors, losing hope for a happy marriage. Fighting for re-election the mayor shall implement a crazy plan "matrimonial tour" to the town of Klin, near Moscow, where the wait is a group of single women. Can they find a dream partner ?

Meet 16.12 (Thursday) at. 20.20 in room 108 IEiAK on Zurawia 4th Admission free course, you may want to bring friends and cookies.

Look also at oczyiobiektywy.art.pl , there you will find the program of all previous editions. If any Was particularly interested in film, let me know!

See you there!

Chris Siejkowski Information sent in, which can be contacted at ksiejkow (at) gmail.com.


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