Sunday, February 20, 2011

Friday, February 18, 2011

Curved Barbell Earring How To Wear

Invitation to the inauguration of the Digital Ethnography

got interesting information you want to share with you. Details below.

"Good morning,

behalf of the team project coordinators are cordially invited to the gala inauguration Digital Library of the Polish Institute of Anthropology , which will be held on 21 February 2011 at 17.30 in the ballroom of the Palace Tyszkiewicz-Potocki, Krakow suburb 32nd
details in Annex .

Joanna Koźmińska
Digital Ethnography project coordinator

worth to book a free evening - May be interesting:).

Where To Buy Checkered Table Clothes

Note: The term competition in Plock

This is the third contest organized by the Aero Club of Plock. The event of the year for getting better. Excellent atmosphere, great airport and excellent meeting .. You are cordially invited on behalf of the organizers. 9-10 July 2011

You be there!)

What R Some Superstitions

very interesting document

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What Is The Klonopin Expiration Date

winter sleep

As you can see, due to the temperature below zero (even yesterday in Wawie -10) all in a light slumber ... But as soon as there is something interesting that's for sure will the blog:)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Elegant Women Dressed In Leather

Etnokoszulki are. Without dust

Etnokoszulki finally arrived!

happy and relieved to announce that the expected long etnologicznymi superhero t-shirts have arrived and can not wait to meet with their new owners.

Distribution will begin as soon as you return to IEiAKu the winter holidays. Therefore, we would ask (Clare and Max) for information - on Facebook, e-mail, by mail or in person - when you present a greater crowd, so we can carry out t-shirts hand quickly and efficiently. Those who have not yet paid for their shirts may choose to pay 16 zł upon receipt. And even should.

For those of you who wonder why the waiting time for delivery so much in length, will soon tell chilling story of the negotiations and establishment. But it is in other circumstances ...

We look forward to hearing from you!

information sent: Clare Keler, which can be contacted at klara.keler (at) and Max Gutowski,

Friday, February 4, 2011

Steak Restaurant Cut Your Tie Off

Models signed:)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Freckle Inside Mouth On Cheek

new transmitter Jeti -transmitter-jeti-24 GHz & catid = 39: apparatus & Itemid = 90

More info at colleagues on

For me it is one of the biggest surprises coming season. Very fun to announce.